
仅供参考 - Staff and Post-doctoral offer letter templates 已经被删除了,因为我们现在有能力通过UNH的入职流程以电子方式创建录取通知书.

请联系 人力资源招聘 了解更多信息.



教师 are those persons engaged primarily in instruction, 研究及服务, and include certain specialized categories w在这里 rank, promotion and/or tenure procedures are in effect.

Current faculty employment opportunities are listed on the USNH就业机会 页面-点击“搜寻职位”,然后在“职位类别”下拉菜单中选择“学院”.)


操作人员 positions include functions such as clerical/secretarial, 工艺, 某些技术, 服务, 食品服务, 和保管的. Individuals in these positions are paid on an hourly basis.

Current 操作人员 employment opportunities are listed on the USNH就业机会 页面-(点击“搜索职位”,然后在“职位类别”下拉菜单中选择“非豁免”.)

专业, 行政 and Technical (PAT) / Extension Educator (EE)

专业, 行政和技术(PAT)职位包括监督和管理等职能, 会计, 艺术家, engineer and upper level technical positions.

推广教育者(EE)职位包括联合国卫生组织合作推广服务的全职和兼职专业人员. 州工作人员位于大学,县工作人员位于十个县中的每一个县. Extension Educators have as their responsibility the assessment, 为新罕布什尔州人民制定和实施继续非正规教育计划. 的y hold appointments in one of the following ranks: Extension Instructor, 助理推广教育工作者, Associate Extension Educator and Extension Educator. 在大多数情况下,除了他们的合作推广职责外,还有正式教学或研究任务的工作人员将被任命为教员.

的se exempt positions are paid on a salaried basis. Current PAT and EE employment opportunities are listed on the USNH就业机会 页面-(点击“搜索职位”,然后在“职位类别”下拉菜单中选择“豁免”.)



Current temporary openings are listed on the USNH就业机会 页-点击“搜寻职位”,然后在“职位类别”下拉菜单中选择“临时职位”.)

教师招聘程序 - Tenure Track Positions 
(please refer to the manual on the Provost's website by clicking 在这里)


人力资源部全年每隔一个星期一举行新员工入职培训. 福利概述和注册流程将在入学培训中介绍,并且相对于福利的生效日期具有时间敏感性. New faculty are invited to attend faculty orientation at the start of the academic year. 教师 who start work at other times of the year are welcome to attend.


在澳门葡京网赌游戏招聘员工是人力资源招聘团队和招聘部门的共同责任. 为确保招聘过程顺利进行,请遵循以下步骤:

1. 职位空缺

Job postings are created online by the supervisor or the department super user. It is recommended that serious consideration be given to the position description. 本职位描述提供了描述基本职能和职责的机会, 以及工作规范, 比如技能和经验. 职位描述应该代表主要职责,并将成为招聘过程的基石, which results in hiring the most qualified applicant. 你的 人力资源合作伙伴 是否可协助建立适当的与工作相关的要求,作为选择的最低标准. 最合适的申请人应该在客观分析申请人资历的基础上与职位描述进行比较.

内部发布 (定义) 内部申请者: Status staff members are internal applicants. 非现职工作人员,在派驻前已在联合国民医院工作至少12个月,工作至少1个月,000 hours during that 12-month period shall also be considered internal applicants. Student employment does not apply toward internal status eligibility.

2. 广告

的 招聘团队 reviews, approves, and posts positions submitted by the department via PeopleAdmin. 如有必要,将与招聘部门合作准备对外广告. 所有的广告都是由招聘团队发布的 确保广告文案与品牌的一致性. Free advertising can be placed by the department. 广告 costs must be approved by the Business Unit, Dean and/or Finance.

3. 采购申请

的 招聘团队 can help find available candidates by using the following methods:

  • 通过LinkedIn进行搜索和拓展;
  • PeopleAdmin候选人数据库;
  • Low-cost and no-cost advertising solutions (including diversity sites);
  • Internet searching that meets the criteria of the job and experience level posted;

*Social media, listservs and networking sites are the responsibility of the department.

4. 筛选/面试

招聘团队可以帮助审查和电话筛选申请人,并管理那些不符合要求或高于预算工资的人,以便将候选人范围缩小到更易于管理的数量. 我们使用各种基于行为的面试问题来帮助您确定最终入选者是否最适合您的职位和部门. 一旦电话面试完成, 详细的笔记和期望工资一起被转发给招聘经理,以便更容易地选择校园面试的决赛选手.

For more helpful hints on the hiring process, please review items in the 招聘工具包.

主管将在PeopleAdmin中更改申请人状态,以保留所有考虑的候选人的记录.  在发出录用通知之前,必须联系招聘团队的一名成员,以审查候选人的资格, 预算工资和内部公平.

5. 工作

Once 3 professional references have been completed satisfactorily, 招聘经理将与 招聘团队 找到一个可接受的时薪/工资. 的 supervisor or a member of the 招聘团队 should extend an offer of employment, 有能力提供有效的工作授权,并成功完成背景调查或体检, 如果需要. 主管将通过电子邮件通知所有其他入围者,并在PeopleAdmin系统中更改招聘决定的状态.

 Once a verbal acceptance has been received and communicated to the 招聘团队, the Onboarding team will create an electronic offer letter. 一旦录取通知书被创建, it will be sent to the new hire for signature, 以及他们需要完成的任务,以便创建他们的员工和工作记录. Please remind your new hire to check their email for a message with the subject: Welcome to UNH - University System of New Hampshire, 要完成这些任务. For assistance, you and your new hire, may contact 新员工培训

6. 工作报告

一旦新员工完成了所有的人力资源文书工作,新员工将被安排入职培训. New employees will attend HR orientation virtually and will receive an invite, 和他们的主管一起复印, 开学前的星期三. 人力资源培训在每个工资期开始时举行,并且可以找到工资表 在这里. 部门主管将负责指导新员工熟悉他们的工作和部门.

 请联系 人力资源: 862-0501 (voice), 862-3227 (TTY) for additional information.

How to establish computer and email accounts for new employees: 教师, 新罕布什尔州大学系统内的工作人员和学生有资格获得一个或多个中央系统帐户. Accounts managed by Information Technology include Academic, 行政, 研究, Web贡献者和Exchange帐户. 

更多信息请参考 unit帐目.

 How to establish telephone accounts for new employees: 有关资料请参阅 它电信


澳门葡京网赌游戏欢迎合格的外国公民申请就业,目前拥有150多名国际教师, staff and researchers at its Durham campus.

If you are considering an employment offer to an individual who is not a U.S. 美国公民或持有美国护照者.S. Permanent Resident Alien status (green card), 请注意,大学必须代表国际雇员采取某些步骤,以允许我们合法雇用他/她. This process may take anyw在这里 from 60 days to 6 months to complete, depending upon the type of visa most appropriate for the position, and/or the current immigration status of the individual.

在确定你的报价之前, we strongly recommend that you contact UNH Global's Offfice of International Students & 澳门葡京网赌游戏 oiss@主要研究.edu to discuss the details of obtaining a work visa for the potential employee. 的 ois的网站 offers a wealth of information on the subject of U.S. 移民及工作签证. If you are a UNH department and want to learn more about hiring international scholars, 请浏览 联合国卫生组织全球网站.

If you are a foreign national who is neither a U.S. 公民或永久居民,并且您正在考虑在UNH工作,请访问  联合国大学全球就业资源页面.