With new grants, 主要研究 researchers study effects of climate change on Gulf of Maine ecosystems


浅滩岛上常见的术语. “The terns are an important part of the larger picture because they are marine consumers and offer a unique perspective of what is happening in fish populations just by sampling what is available to them,内森·富里说.

联合国大学的研究人员获得了超过1美元的奖金.2500万美元 海军研究局国家海洋和大气管理局 to take a deeper dive on the impact of climate change on the dynamic marine ecosystems in the Gulf of Maine in New Hampshire and southern Maine. Their findings could promote proper conservation and management in a rapidly changing Gulf of Maine.

“我们知道缅因湾正在变暖, 我们知道物种正在做出反应, 但重要的是要更广泛地了解它是如何做到的 ... this could be affecting some of the core species in the Gulf of Maine like cod and terns.”

“我们知道缅因湾正在变暖, 我们知道物种正在做出反应, 但重要的是要更广泛地了解它是如何做到的 communities are responding — from the seafloor to the surface — to give us a better snapshot of what food is available and how this could be affecting some of the core species in the Gulf of Maine like cod and terns,” 内森弗瑞生物科学助理教授.

The five-year project will integrate cutting-edge technology with traditional fisheries sampling to determine the effects of environmental changes on the ecosystems in local and regional waters by focusing on both the Atlantic cod, 它在缅因湾有着悠久的历史意义, 这是公共术语, 它在浅滩群岛有大量的繁殖地.

研究ers will use high-tech modes of tracking to monitor the movements of Atlantic cod and terns. The team will use both passive and active acoustics to provide measurements of marine biodiversity in the areas where cod and terns are tracked. 环境DNA, 或者埃德娜, will be used to collect a variety of samples from the water column to measure DNA released from different species, 哪些可以存在于水中, 空气和其他环境. 研究ers will also examine the diets of the Atlantic cod and terns by analyzing gut and fecal samples.

“We’re bringing together all these emerging technologies to get a better idea on what is happening on the bottom of the water column, 鳕鱼在哪里生活和觅食, 在水面上也是如此, 燕鸥在哪里觅食,弗瑞说。. “The terns are an important part of the larger picture because they are marine consumers and offer a unique perspective of what is happening in fish populations just by sampling what is available to them.”

研究ers hope their findings will help promote proper conservation and management in a rapidly changing Gulf of Maine by determining at what scales ecosystem components change 和 best methods to detect such variation.

该项目的其他研究人员是 Allison瓦土木与环境工程研究助理教授; 伊丽莎白·克雷格海鸟科学主任兼学术协调员 浅滩海洋实验室; Graham Sherwood and Riley Young-Morse of the 缅因湾研究所; and Jackie Motyka of the 东北沿海海洋观测系统区域协会.


杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@stilllearninglife.com | 603-862-4465