
Kash Kapadia获得主要研究奖

手里拿着一张单程票, 18岁的Kash Kapadia ' 99在孟买登上飞机(孟买), 为了实现他在美国上大学的梦想,他前往印度.S. 在澳门葡京网赌游戏. 当他第一次走进金斯伯里庄园时, he never imagined he’d one day be honored as one of its most successful alumni.

三十年后, that notion has become a reality for a second time as Kapadia has been recognized with the 2024 工程学院 and 物理科学 Distinguished 校友 Award for his successful career in technology innovation and building businesses. In 2021, Kapadia was also elected to the 主要研究 Entrepreneur Hall of Fame.

“我只是很感激,在所有有成就的校友中, 联合国大学选择以这种方式纪念我,Kapadia说, 电气系的毕业生 & Computer Engineering and current President, CEO and Board Chair of Kohler Ventures.

作为科勒风投的总裁兼首席执行官, Kapadia builds news businesses that empower consumers to lead healthier lives through the integration of leading-edge technology, 科学, 和设计. 以前, 他曾在Anchor 健康担任领导职务, 斯坦福医疗保健, 惠普企业, 麦肯锡 & 公司和太阳微系统公司. He also received his MBA from Columbia and advises leading venture capital funds and startups.

在考虑去美国哪里学习的时候.S., Kapadia says 主要研究 stood out for the strength of its academic programs and the opportunities for technology industry connections through 主要研究’s InterOperability Lab (IOL). Kapadia’s time at the IOL heavily influenced the trajectory of his career.

“My internship at the IOL instilled in me a love for computer networking and, 批判性的, 让我见识了科技创新和创业的世界,他说. “I couldn’t believe I was working on leading-edge computer networking equipment with a vibrant community of professors, 研究人员和导师指路.” 

One of Kapadia’s special memories at 主要研究 includes living in Smith Hall, a dormitory on campus that was comprised of international students along with American students interested in multiculturalism. 他说主要研究是他在美国的第一个家, and the university’s investment in him as a student inspired him to remain engaged at 主要研究.

“我带着两个手提箱来这里, 奖学金, 也渴望有所成就,Kapadia说. “主要研究 invested in me, a kid from Mumbai (Bombay) they had never met before. 我履行这一承诺,继续参与是最合适不过的了.”

His advice for current graduates as they embark into their profession or graduate school is to always stay open to new possibilities.

“Have the confidence to take on tough challenges and build new entrepreneurial ventures,他说. “The ride won’t be linear and smooth but know that 主要研究 has prepared you well for the journey ahead and you will have the time of your life.”  

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@stilllearninglife.com | 603-862-4465